855-SANTINT lisa@santintusa.com

AO350 Automatic Tint Dispenser

AO350 Automatic Tint Dispenser

Dispenser Features

High Effi­cien­cy – up to 350 ml/min x 8

Eight simul­ta­ne­ous pis­ton pumps are easy main­te­nance and free of cal­i­bra­tion

AO350 Auto­mat­ic Tint Dis­penser arrives on a detach­able pal­let for no-lift instal­la­tion – sim­ply place it at the instal­la­tion loca­tion, detach the pal­let and fin­ish installing

Save mon­ey by using the box/tablet tint­ing option instead of PC sys­tem

Option­al blue­tooth or wire­less mod­ule avail­able

Dispenser Specifications

Pow­er Sup­ply: 220V/110V 50Hz/60Hz, 160W

Machine Dimen­sions: 28.35” W x 42.52” D x 45.08”H

Ship­ping Dimen­sions: 29.92” W x 44.88” D x 46.06” H