855-SANTINT lisa@santintusa.com

S1 Manual Clamping Shaker

Shaker Features

Bi-Direc­tion­al Slid­ing Door

Reli­able, Stur­dy, and Sta­ble

Man­u­al clamp­ing for quarts to 1.25 gal­lon cans

Con­trol pan­el with shak­ing times from 30-300 sec­onds in 30 sec­ond incre­ments

Door sen­sor – shak­er will not oper­ate with door open

Emer­gency stop but­ton

1-year parts war­ran­ty (USA)

Oth­er SANTINT USA shak­er options include our S4 Ellip­ti­cal Shak­er

Shaker Specifications

Max shak­ing weight: 22 lbs.

Shak­ing speed: 770 rpm

Pow­er Sup­ply: 110V 60Hz, 375 Watts (220V 50Hz avail­able)

Machine Dimen­sions: 23” W x 24” D x 33”H

Ship­ping Dimen­sions:  24” W x 26” D x 37H

Net Weight: 234 lbs

Gross Weight:  278 lbs